Virtualenv Celery workers under upstart

Virtualenv Celery workers under upstart

There’s a few other examples out there but I thought another clean one won’t hurt. This upstart script, runs as a privileged user and is placed in “/etc/init/”. It picks up your virtualenv settings because it invokes the python...

Django FormWizard best .. well .. useful practices

Edit: After some re-writes of this post it is finally setup in a manor that is clean and failsafe. After researching and setting up two FormWizards in Django I concluded some things that might be useful to others. Hence this post. Having userdata available throughout...

Django: get distinct field selection

I recently have been dinging around in Django’s ORM because I needed a certain ‘fields … group by’ selection. I was very impressed by the logic that the Django developers put in there. Especially the joins and aggregations that have been...